Tuesday, 10 April 2012

A new world is in the making..

Mother Earth is EVOLVING..

Our planet, earth is evolving into a forth dimensional planet, she has been preparing herself for this change for a while and it has gone unnoticed, we have been so busy with TV and the latest fear porn( what the mass population call news), The powers that were have downplayed the events so much it is astounding that so few are actually aware of what's happening.

The loud booming sounds heard around the world were in fact DUMB's being nuked, Deep Underground Military Bases, built in the 1960's at the expense of trillions of dollars of undocumented tax payers money, these bases were to be the hidey holes for the elite to hide in while Iran and Israel go to war, ending with china and the United States going into a nuclear war.

The statement's made by Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock validate that these events actually took place, The answers to who and why they were blown up was a joint effort of the the earth allies and the Galactic Federation, This is the reason it has been kept quiet.

These are not the only bases being captured by the allied forces, underwater bases have also been captured, the galactic war for control of planet earth and it's inhabitant's is over, all that is left to do now is the imminent arrest of the puppets in power, there extra dimensional masters are now in custody awaiting trial, this is where it gets really good, the people of earth will have there say in court, we will be told the truth for once and the crimes against humanity revealed, a lot of the Draco and Hydra 9 to 5 workers decided to live in exile rather than stand trial.

Take every conspiracy theory you have ever heard and review it, all seem to be unbelievably true as evidence and whistleblowers are shining a light on it.

Would you like to know more?

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Feel free to ask a question, If you wish to understand a certain topic of so called "conspiracy theory", I will do my very best to deliver enough truth that it will be accepted as self evident or you will dismiss me as a crackpot and all the evidence as coincidence or propaganda, you can take what I show anyway you want to, weigh it up, see if it resonates any truth to you, that's what I want you to do, open your mind and peek outside the government controlled box we are forced to live within.

Attempts at disinformation and debunking won't be allowed,