Thursday, 5 April 2012

It's not all doom and gloom..

"Love is the key building block of all in existence and creativity is the expression of love."

There is still hope for humanity but it will require a lot from everyone, acceptance, forgiveness, wisdom, understanding and above all love will be essential for this future to become a reality.

The negatives must be let go, they no longer serve a purpose in our education and really restrain us from growing spiritually and emotionally, ego, anger, hate and judgement must be replaced with positive love, appreciation and sympathy.

So you know who the bad guys are know, So where's the good guys?, oh they are here too and they are the Galactic Federation of Light, there are galactic humanitarian peace keepers just outside the earth's orbit, you know, the shit you dismiss in our skies as whatever ridiculous excuse your told as fact.

Oh it is going to be entertaining watching the chickens run around while the NWO say there here to exterminate us or rule us, give me a break, they built the Mayan calendar, which isn't Mayan if you actually look, it's 18000 years older than the Mayans, they just found it, Educate yourself before it's too much too soon for you cynic's.

People are still not seeing the BIG picture, which in fact is earth shattering, why do you all seem to need more and more proof that the Galactic Federation have been here before, are here now and will not let us destroy mother earth or the unique race of humans that don't exists anywhere else, we are a beautiful race that has over 24 DNA relations to alien races, we are a mega hybrid race that has been subdued into duality and a life of debt and indecision by a reptilian race and there controlled or worshipping human subordinates.

Educate yourselves, don't palm off the Galactic Federation as a psy op, which is what the Illuminati have programmed you to do because you "live in the real world", which is nothing more than a mi-nute percentage of the realities around us, we are vibrating in a frequency that has been controlled and manipulated to suit there agenda, this year the veil will be removed and to do that the enemy has to go.

David Icke: The Lion Sleeps No More Part 1 | Part 2

I just can't stand people who belittle what they don't know and don't bother researching it, they palm it of as dribble because they live in "the real world", I really hate that saying as it is a major contradiction, if they would only bother to open there eyes and remove the rose tinted shades the NWO hand out.

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