"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty." |
The "bugs, bats, birds, gas clouds, flares, planes, satellites, weather phenomena", you dismiss because the New World Order's news outlets tell you to, is in fact IAC's, Identified Alien Crafts, These crafts are here and have been for a long time, you haven't given it much thought because your too busy running around like headless chickens.
Which is a great terminology to describe the behaviour you are exhibiting, no thought just plain zombie reactions to the fear inducing media you crave. You have to know that a reptilian race is already here and have been here since before Sumerian times.
They are the bad guys, the reptilian gods of old. |
The humans who worshipped the gods were told not to depict them in there true form for anyone who does, will die, with that in mind all of the ancient societies through out the world depicted there gods as human / snake like or a blatant reptilian likeness.
The "divine right to rule" is proof of there heritage, They are the descendants of the ancient gods. |
For those who don't already know the history of the human race, you really need to educate yourself about the "Reptilian Agenda" because the threat is real and it is a necessity to come to terms with it as soon as possible.
There are people who know the true history of the human race and one such person is Credo Mutwa, He is South African sanusi (high shaman), traditional healer, artist, poet, historian, and holds immense knowledge about traditional ancient African wisdom and the true history of the human being.
David Icke interviews this extraordinary man, who's insight into the truth is utterly mind blowing.
Creado Mutwa, One of the last sanusi. A story teller of the true history of human life. |
Introduction Quote by David Icke : The Reptilian Agenda.
"I first met Credo Mutwa in February 1998 on my first visit to South Africa. I knew immediately I was in the presence of a remarkable human being. He is, beyond question, the most astonishing man it has been my honour to meet and call a friend. I also realised that his unique and almost infinite library of knowledge and experience had to be preserved and recorded for the world to see and hear.."
Please take the time to listen to what this amazing man has to say.
David Icke : The Reptilian Agenda Part 1 | Part 2
"Darth Maul" from Star Wars, Is in fact "Darth Mowry". A Chitahuri, a reptilian race that, controls the Earth. |
After making these videos, Credo Mutwa was visited by two people from Cape Town who offered him 50,000 rand and a house anywhere in South Africa he would like to name, If he would agree to never speak to David Icke again and never have anything to do with him. Credo's reply can be imagined.
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Feel free to ask a question, If you wish to understand a certain topic of so called "conspiracy theory", I will do my very best to deliver enough truth that it will be accepted as self evident or you will dismiss me as a crackpot and all the evidence as coincidence or propaganda, you can take what I show anyway you want to, weigh it up, see if it resonates any truth to you, that's what I want you to do, open your mind and peek outside the government controlled box we are forced to live within.
Attempts at disinformation and debunking won't be allowed,