"There is a war on for your mind." - Alex Jones |
Psychology was called in its early stages, "The study of the soul.", This shows the extreme lengths the Illuminati have gone to in there quest for complete and total control of the minds of the population.
1407 AD
After studying in the Middle East under various masters, possibly those adhering to Sufism or Zoroastrianism, CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUZ was unable to spread the knowledge he had acquired to any prominent European figures. Instead, he gathered a small circle of friends/disciples and founded the Rosicrucian Order
Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society, that holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm."[1] Rosicrucianism is symbolised by the Rosy Cross.
Glimmerings of the New World Order strategy can be traced back to this order.
Birth of
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, originator of the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC.
Which states;
The state is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth & morality only in his capacity as a member of the STATE.
This philosophy can be and has been used for the justification of any number of atrocities commited upon the human race.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
creates the Hegelian Dialectic.
In classical philosophy, the exchange of a proposition (thesis) with a counter-proposition (anti-thesis) will in time produce a synthesis or the transformation between of the two opposing opinions into a more unified synthesis or a new consensus.
This is the PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION system of mind control they used recently in 911.
1776, May 1.
ILLUMINATI, founded by Adam Weishaupt.
1782 (co-incidence event)
By sheer co-incidence (?) the future Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt has his grandfather mentioned in the ILLUMINATI Provincial Report.
The American Skull & Bones group founded.
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
(16 August 1832 - 31 August 1920) in Germany
Wundt essentially redefined psychological studies as studies of the brain and nervous system, and redefined man as an animal without a soul, thus legitimising at least for his associates and their employers the treating of man as such as opposed to the peoples belief that the individual is the true sovereign.
The essence of Wundt's research was that man was a machine , albeit a soft one. He agreed with the Hegelian view that man was a cog in the greater machine of the state.
It was this philosophy that gave the future Nazis the mind license to murder hundreds of thousands of people, and also gives all adherents of this Social Utopian psychology the easy leave to kill.
Wundt takes a chair in PHILOSOPHY at the UNIVERSITY of LEIPZIG, establishing the world's first Psychological laboratory. (future mind control labs)
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, cuts holes in dogs cheeks and inserts tubes to measure salivation.A bell was rung just before food was given to the dogs, and after a period of time it was observed that the ringing of the bell alone would increase the rate of the dogs salivation.
John B Watson of JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, (Hegelian hotbed for the US) experiments on humans. A little boy is given a white rat to play with , and when the rat was brought in , Watson would beat the floor iwth a steel bar , terrifying the kid. Eventually the kid reacts in terror every time he sees a rat, and eventually ANY furry animal.
Dr.Watson drools over the possibilities of this kind of mechanical conditioning in human beings.
Give me a baby and I can make him a thief, a gunman , or a dope fiend!!
The possibilities of shaping in any direction are almost endless. MEN ARE BUILT , NOT BORN>
John Foster Dulles sent a statement summing up his philosophical standpoint to his father {Presbyterian Minister Allen Macy Dulles} for review. It is a world view of Darwin, of the eugenicist Harriman ___
and of {Adolph} Hitler":
"Biology tells us that it is only by means of this competition and elimination that progress is made. For the tenancy of a race is to retrograde and it is only by eliminating the lower members that a higher average is maintained .."
The American Eugenics Society (AES) was a society established in 1922 to promote eugenics in the United States.
It was the result of the Second International Conference on Eugenics (New York, 1921). The founders included Madison Grant, Harry H. Laughlin, Irving Fisher, Henry Fairfield Osborn, and Henry Crampton.
Goals in 1926:
Race building by conscious selection backed by force.
Sterilzation could be applied to an ever widening circle of social discards, beginning always with the criminal, the diseased and the insane, and extending gradually to types which may be called weaklings rather than defectives, and perhaps ultimately to wrthless race types. !!!!!
[link to www.all.org]
The Frightening Agenda of the American Eugenics Movement
[link to hnn.us]
Burrhus Frederick Skinner develops the SKINNER BOX, an invention aimed at producing a 'socialised child' . His ultimate aim was not only to control the behaviour of isolated persons, but to gain insights into how to control society as a whole
Skinner writes two books:
Book that describes a perfect communist utopia run along behaviourist lines.
Book about more social control.
Books by H G WELLS
The OPen Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution.
*********(this one is very important*******)
Another player becomes apparent in the field of psychiatric genetics and mind control experimentation, one hardly whispered of in other exposes of the subject: THE SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry loyalties are and have always been with the NWO vision of one-world government, and the loyalties of at least a certain faction of the men promoting the NWo have alwyas been to Freemasonry.
Dr.Nolan D.C.Lewis , the Scottish rite's field representative of Research on Dementia Praecox (incurable insanity) and director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, oversees 14 projects funded by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite Northern Supreme Council.
LSD first synthesised at SANDOZ Laboratories, in Basel, Switzerland. Basel was the home of three huge chemical companies: Hoffman-LaRouche, Ciba-Geigy, and Sandoz.Sandoz was owned by the German chemical monolith, IG Farben, which was the mainstay of the Third Reich's war.
Less than 200 miles away SS and Gestapo doctors were doing mescaline experiments on prisoners at Dachau at the same time.
President Roosevelt sets up the COI, Co-ordinator of Information , which evolves into the OSS, Office of Strategic Services , and later into the CIA. Central Intelligence Agency.
1943 - 1945
An estimated 5000 members of Hitler's SS and Gestapo were ex-filtrated through Catholic monasteries, in a plan concocted by Papal Chamberlain and Knight of Malta Luigi Parelli. Assisting in the project was the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (employing Henry Kissinger ) and the Office of the Naval Intelligence General
Dr. G. BROCK CHISHOLM , first director and later head of the WHO , delivers an adress to psychiatrists and Government officials in Washington DC saying:
"The re-interpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong are the belated objectives of nearly all psychotherapy, and that the people who have been taught to belive whatever they were told by their parents or their teachers are the people who are the menace to the world. ( what it means is right and wrong do not exist, and parents are the least qualified people to educate thier children,". This also removes all barricades to excess and crimes in the area of mental health.
Major Rawlings Reese , on the orders of the Round Tables Royal Institute of International affairs sets up the largest brainwashing facility in the world at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations as a part of Sussex University, a major nexus for worldwide psychological manipulation.
(this year is contradictory in some reports, who say it was actually set up in 1921)
LSD arrives in America, during a time when Psychiatry was booming, having experienced a 12-fold increase since 1940
Harrimann in the thick of organizing CIA mind control programs creates the PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD (PSB).
CIA Director Allen Dulles authorizes MKULTRA , a greatly augmented series of mind control projects run by the Technical Services Staff of the CIA.
MK ULTRA was the code name for a huge mind control project that was, according to CIA documents 'an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects' run by the CIA and co-ordinated by the the British Intelligence, the Scottish Rite Freemasons, and the very recently reformed Nazis. The related MK DELTA covered policy , procedure for the use of bio-chemichals in clandestine operations.
Water Flouridation:
Charles Eliot Perkins, one of America's top industrial chemists writes a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in Milwaukee, Wisonsin, stating " In the rear occiput of the left lobe of the brain , there is a small area of brain tissue that is responsible for the individual's power to resist domination. By slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, we can make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official fo the great Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement of the time. I say this with all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry , biochemistry , psysiology and pathology of FLOURINE - any person who drinks artificially flourinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same persn, mentally, or physically!!"
Jose Delgado of Yale University's Schools of Medicine, stops a raging bull using a 'Stimoceiver', which sent a radio signal to its brain, through an implant.
Zbigniew Brzezinski writes the book:
that posits an information society whose basis of competition is replaced by amusement focus, based on spectator spectacles ,(mass sports and TV) providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses. !!!!
How can you now defend the government and support anything they say or do.. You should now be asking yourself if any of what you are seeing, feeling, hearing and believing is real any more.
Are you even real?.. are you really even a "you" any more?
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